Hello everyone,
I have been working on a new set of figures in the three scales, 1/72, 1/144 and 1/200. There are actually two figures that need some fine tuning but after this initial test, work will continue for the second set.
I would like to remind that this is the first set of several to come, I want to work on another marshaller set; this time with winter clothing (and different poses) as well as ramp set and Japanese marshallers / ramp workers.
The release of this set is due once I can complete the others, during Q1 2025.
I am not sure if these new sets will be done with new base figures or I will reuse some from the current set, I may proceed to create new bases so that there is going to be more variety.

In the meantime, work is continuing with the 787 for next week, there are other projects that I still have pending to push forward like the newer GSE models, so I am trying to progress with as much as possible.
Best wishes,