Hi all,
Time for an update to the blog, and this time it has also been a visual update. It has been some time since I wanted to change a bit the theme and make it more “lively”.
Well, the material I needed for the photo etch process arrived at the beginning of the week and I have been able to start finishing units.
There is still some work to do, specially these next two weeks will be very busy as it is more or less the time it will take me to make all the PE, this PE will be made for the 1/144 GSE models as well as for the B787 galleys (front, center and rear).
I’ve been also working on a cargo loader to use as a video review on my new yet to create Youtube channel, I may be uploading a video first of the finished result that you can see in the photos below and later the build progress which is a 10 hour work put together in about 1h long video.

Building this cargo loader was very fun and challenging, well, I have to be honest and say that I build it with some pressure as I was also working on the PE.

What am I working on currently?
- Making the PE for all GSE and B787 galleys which, once finished, will allow me to restock those items at the store.
- Finishing production on the new GSE model; the container transporter for which I will be making a “quick” build this weekend, also planned to make a video of it.
- Working on the B787 cockpit crew figures (hopefully to be released at the same time).
- Working on the cargo loader (or cargo scenery) figures, I started this a long ago, and now I pushed it forward, also hoping to release it simultaneously.
- New container, this one is very meaningful to me and it was inspired by a video that my friend Frank sent to me, this new container was in charge to deliver the Covid-19 vaccines and it is therefore, a refrigerated container. It will include all its decals and markings.
- Take the new product photos of all GSE items for which parts were made new.
That is all for now, I will be most surely giving another update next week with more information on regards release date as well.
Also, the newsletter is going to be a bit different next time as I no longer work with the provider I had, due incompatibilities between plugins, php and whatnot.
Thank you all for reading and for your patience, it has been an incredible pressuring time for me, still is, because I still have to take care of some things at home besides all the work, but as long as I love what I do, that is the energy I need.
Stay safe everyone,