Nearly finished

Dear all,

How is everything going?
For me it has been quite a hard time this last month, trying to divide my time to work and help at home, but I am finally on a routine so I am doing fine at the moment.

I have been working on the new units and everything is nearly done being the photo etched parts the last thing to make.

I am also currently half the way done with the new instructions which had to be redone in order to show the new assembly with the new parts (numbered).

I am working on the windshields for the AST-1 and the TLD-JST25 Tow tractor, my aim is to provide them pre cut. A news on the TLD-JST25 Tractor is that the set will now include (your choice) four figures, either four with helmet or four without, but these four will be divided into two with “summer” clothing and two with “winter” clothing. This way you can exchange the figures at your liking and the same thing applies but with summer/winter versions with helmet. I am aware that perhaps in most parts of the world “summer” (short pants and T-shirt) are not permited, but I want to provide as much choices as possible, similar to the helmet which is the norm in Japan.

If you decide to make these figures interchangeable, you can always use glue stick (to stick paper) to temporarily fix those figures, this is something I often do to take the photos.


There may be a little surprise upon the restock of all those items, as I would like to try and make a new small GSE model to complement the cargo loader and maybe some other stuff.

Speaking of the cargo loader, I am looking forward to make a build progress video that will be the first one to upload at my future Youtube channel, this will be done during the next couple weekends while I will need the next two weeks to make the needed photo etch for all the GSE and galleys stock.

B787 rear galley will also be release then.


To be honest, it has been a very difficult time for the business recently, with all these changes it is risky to do to a small business like mine, but in the end I thought that was the way to do things and present those items in even sharper detail and allowing myself to have more time to continue creating.
I must say, I feel very enthusiastic to create and to keep going with more stuff, I want to go on with the 1/144, 1/200, 1/72 (and perhaps 1/100) GSE models, and of course, I am eager to continue with the projects once all of this restockig is done; the B787 cargo holds, the B747-8F cargo project, the 1/12 B737 cabin and so many others I want to make.

This change with the parts has paused me somehow, but the dream and hapiness to create more content is still there. In the meantime, I am also working on the 1/144 aircraft liveries, taking my time to make tidy and detailed instructions, the more complex those are, the more time it takes to make.


I sincerely hope everyone is doing well wherever part of the world you are reading me from. Temperatures are starting to rise here, hopefully that won’t affect a lot to the production, with the areation changes we did last summer, everything should be better.

Wish you all the best, stay safe and stay careful because we are not done yet with Covid-19.
