Progressing and improving

Hello all,

It has been quite a complex days here during the last weeks.

I am working on everything as much as possible, unfortunately there have been things at home that prevented me to progress more.
With my mother having an issue with her knee, I must do the work that she does at home as well as take care of my grandma as usual.

All in all there is nothing serious but rather a lot of patience is needed, so I have to divide my time to reach to everything.

Despite of that, I have been progressing with the new parts and been able to make more units of all the GSE catalogue as well as 787 galleys (including the new rear galley).

Today I wanted to comment on some improvements that I took the chance to do while preparing those new parts.

This is something that I have been doing for the last months, but I have to say that another reason why all is taking more time is because I am printing only with one printer again, like at the beginning.

The reason for this is that technology has advanced and my other two printers are inoperative simply because the latest one can provide me with sharper details.

It is a pity for me as I have two printers doing nothing (except some personal projects) but for me it was very clear to have all of the parts as detailed as I can get.

I am going to be switching to have more of these printers if the future sales permit, as I have already done a big investment (for me personally) on the silk screen decals.

The improvements that I did in some of the GSE models are:

– Better fitting of the tow tractor TLD JST-25 Cab onto the body. The fitting is so precise now that you can have a cab or a standard version at the same time, simply by adding the cab onto the finished model, so you can switch styles. I will be reworking the decals and include the bottom windows of the cab.

Please check all images in full size for better detailing

– Some more sharpening allowed me to highlight better the stairs truck TLD ABS1740 steps lights.

– I have tried with no success the use of clear resin for the cabins, and although I had a clear cabin, this type of resin did not fully capture all the details as a standard resin does.
I am talking about polyurethane resin here, as transparent resin for 3D printing will always end up yellowing because this resin dries under an UV source, and it is precisely anti UV additives what permits the clear polyurethane resin to not to turn yellow over time (it uses a catalyst to dry).
There have been other issues related to this resin, taking it forever to dry for such a tiny part, which made the whole thing non-viable.
Despite this, I wanted to improve the cabins and made better frames for the acetate windshields, and this time these windshields will already be provided pre cut (at least that is my intention).

Please check all images in full size for better detailing

– Better detailing at the back of the belt loader TUG660 body, now the body will consist of two sides that will need to be assembled together.

Another area I have been working on is the A320/A320Neo illustrations for the decal sets. I am taking this in more detail than before and trying to achieve a more realistic feel.

Please check all images in full size for better detailing

There is still quite a lot of work required before I can release those silkscreen/laser decals, making the illustrations and later the instructions is taking me a lot o f time and effort, but the overall product will be of higher quality than before.
Depending on the costs, I would like to supply the first page as a two profile photo to be included as a collectible. Once the A320 and A321 are completed, I will proceed with the A350.


That is all for now, I am continuing working to have as many units as I can of everything, I wish to finish soon so that I can go on with the current projects and to make further progress with the decals.


I am considering what to do with the few items I currently have in stock with the parts pre cut (and as sharpen as the new ones are), and what to do with them once I start the next restock with the new parts, so I am thinking about giving them away, including them in orders for those that frequently order from me as a shown of appreciation for all the support, I wish I could do this with everyone of you, unfortunately the current quantities are very few.

I would like to thank you all for your support and for your patience.

Wish you all have a very nice week and hopefully I will be able to update the blog again soon.