Store open

Hello everybody,

Finally the new online store is online and operative. Stock units may be a little limited as I had to start from zero making as many units as I could with the material I had. Material keeps coming so I am looking forward to have a better control of the stock with the time.

Two things I like to mention are; on Monday it is local holiday here, therefore postal offices will remain closed, however, orders will be prepared during this time without problems. The stock for the livery decals will be a little limited at the beginning because Rob is currently changing his workplace, so printing will be resumed upon settled in the new location. The aim is to restock the livery decals on August.

If anybody finds an issue with the store, please feel free to write me a message.

This is the link to the new store:

I would like to thank all for the patience, it hasn’t been easy but I did my best and hopefully the store will have new items soon. I also hope the store is of your liking and that you can navigate through it sucessfully.

Best wishes,