Dear all,
Things have been quite busy with the current projects and I wanted to have something more advanced prior giving an update.
I’ve been working on the other catering truck cabin, the Ford F-750. At the moment the cabin is finished, however, there are a couple things that I must do; add the shape of the Ford logo on the front grid (later a decal with the logo will be placed on top of it) and also make the joining points for the wheels and the supports for the cabin interior.
The Atego cabin requires a few adjustments, mainly to improve the finish, but all in all, the catering truck is nearly done.
As always, I will need to assemble the first prototype to ensure that everything fits where it has to, and then, production will be started.
A few extra things that will be needed to do in the meantime are the decals (basic details and handlers) and the precut windshield acetate.

In regards to the B787-9 cargo holds, I am glad to say that the way I found to do this has finally worked and I am currently progressing forward with them. My objective is to release these cargo holds at the same time as the catering truck.
I am still working on the new type of parts (parts on the base) for the LD3 trolleys and baggage carts. On the way, I may make another type of baggage cart with a lining cover.
The 1/200 GSE models will undergo this parts modification (parts on the base) very soon. From there, I hope to bring some of the models previously made in 1/144 into the 1/200 scale progressively.
I hope to stabilize the current works so that I could continue with the airliner decals illustrations as well as with the B737 1/12 cabin.
On a personal note, I would like to make my anual project on the Christmas holidays since I did not have free time in the summer to work on other things. I would like to make a full build of the B787-9 with all the galleys and cargo holds in order to illustrate and have a better view of all these things put together.
That is all for now, on my next update I will be showing the first preview of the assembled catering truck as well as the B787-9 forward cargo hold assembly.
Everyone stay safe!
Best wishes,