Hello everyone,
It has been days of a lot of work with certain elements, I wanted to say in advance that units of the B787-9 cargo holds are currently being done as well as B787 galleys.
I also have been dealing with some issues related to the site, problems related with email notifications (an error came up when changing and notifying of the order status) and also and most recently, issues when uploading images in the blog as I used to.
The first matter is half solved and it did not affect the order process, the second one I am still working on. All these issues came all of the sudden which leads me to think that my host provider may have been doing some changes.
Continuing with our model’s subject, I have been working on the ongoing projects but also been working on items that I will be releasing soon, by the time of the B787-9 cargo holds release.
First of all, the B747-400 winglet:

The winglet will fit both Revell/Zvezda (8i-8F) models and it does feature an airfoil even though it is not so much appreciable in the photo above, it is very subtle. Why a winglet for those -8 models? For conversion to -400 purposes as this will also be a part of the conversion once I complete the B747-8F cargo detail set.
The test that I wanted to do with the wingtip lights has been done and I am pleased with it. It is, obviously with a translucent finish which is what the resin is offering. After several hours under UV light, there does not seem to be any yellowing or side effects so I concluded the test as successful.
In my test, I painted from the inside two red dots to simulate the strobe lights and it seems quite convincing to me, but having the wing light covers translucent also allows for LED lights.
The same has been done for the Airbus narrowbody family sharklet.

I also have been working on four new radomes, the Gogo 2KU famous for its low profile, the more standard type Inmarsat GX, the Arinc 791 and the Viasat radome which can be easily seen on several Jetblue A320 as well as some United 737-800’s.

Note that in some cases I am saying names of antennas (which go inside the radome) but there are actually several types of radomes for different antenna manufacturers, so it may be possible for a radome to be used for two different antenna models.
As a complement to the antenna set that I previously shared, I am also completing the “Satcom set”:

Lastly, a pitot tube set:

These pitot tubes were designed from real pitot models, as a result, they were so small that at first I was reluctant to even try, but since I was doing some tests at the same time, I decided to give it a go.
To my surprise they came out pretty well, they are of different sizes and shapes, as a reference, the largest ones were based on the B747 pitot tubes. The rounded small one is for the A320’s and the bigger rounder one fits perfectly for the 787’s.
Needless to say, those are really, really tiny. In some cases as it happens with the antennas, a couple may fail in the set, so I manually add those missing. At first I thought this would be quite time consuming, but it is no issue at all and the first sets of antennas are already done.
So I am preparing to release these items at the same time:
- B787-9 cargo holds.
- B747-400 winglets.
- Airbus narrowbody sharklets.
- A350 sharklets (yet to make).
- Antennae set.
- Satcom set.
- Various radomes.
- Pitot tubes assortment.
Simultaneously I will also be restocking the 787 galleys and other items I see getting in low stock.
Later today I will also restock the medium/short haul flight crew with its new configuration (figures with their supports). A lot of work has been going on too with the new type of packaging of these items.
That is all for now, I am continuing on with the work. I cannot say a release date yet for all the items listed, but once I have the cargo holds nearly completed from production, I will give more details on a release date.
Take good care everybody,