Welcome to my new Website

Hello everybody,

Welcome to my new Website!

It was about time for me to make use of the “newer” technologies and actually have a bit more dynamic site. I started with the rocascalemotorcycles.com domain back in 2005 when my main focus was on scale motorcycles. At that time I created my own Website with the very basics that I’ve learned back in high school.

It really took me a long time to get things done when I wanted to do some changes or even to upload posts, so since I first started my models blog or Website, I have been doing things in the old fashion way, I find that nowadays we have tools that can ease our work and save some time while creating a better navigation experience.

For instance, all of you can now comment a post, which is something that I always missed. For me it is always welcomed to receive feedback or imputs, specially to learn and try to make things better.

I hope that although this blog may be simple, that it can still be interesting for you.

I would like to keep the old domain for some time, so that everybody interested in could find the old site and be redirected back here, so please do make sure you save this new Website in your bookmarks!

Although this page is not completely finished, the new online store is, and it will be published here in due time once I advance with the items. It will make use of the same domain (rocastmodels.com).

I will update this Website very soon on regards the stock status, decals, and other couple things!


I want to thank everybody who has been following me in the old domain, and I hope that with the creation of this one, more and better content can be shared with you.

Best wishes,
