Upcoming livery decals – GSE stock started


I have recently started to make the stock units for the GSE using the new molds. I am happy with the result as from what I saw, I can produce these resin parts just a little bit quicker than before without sacrificing detail and more orderly. It was really pointless to have so many molds per model, so organizing the parts properly made me save some time.

This was done because of what I have learned after casting each new model I made and after many trials and errors on the way, so I applied these techniques for the older models in the process of renewing the molds.

On the other hand, I have been working on a new livery decal set, this time for the Airbus A350. So far I have made a generic base decal and the China Airlines “Pheasant” livery.

I want to try something new for this model, so once I receive the first print, I will mention more about it and actually do a little review of the A350 decals.

I also want to write a post in the next days with a list of upcoming GSE and airliner items that I intend to make, so although I will be busy in the next weeks preparing the stock, I will also keep on thinking on the next projects.

Hopefully this weekend I can have some time to work on the PFD and ND of the B737 cabin project.


Best wishes,
