Last week of units preparations

Hello all,

I know I repeat myself quite a lot on the stock units preparation, but I am glad to say that this will most probably be the last week that I need in order to finish all the photo etched parts.

I am also about to prepare a PDF tutorial-guide-example on the process of painting, decaling and clear coating the A350 in the China Airlines special scheme featuring the Mikado pheasant. I will be sharing few photos of the process on the blog prior the creation of the file.

Photo etched parts aside, I have also been working on the A350 decals with hopes they could be available for the store opening. I am still working on some of these liveries, and I still have to write the guide on using the interior window decals but I am on it.

I am going to update the site the next weekend!

Lastly, I would like to write a message for a visitor; I have received a message, but it is possible the email address given is not valid; every time I try to reply to the email address I was given, I get a mail delivery error, please Andreas DUDA, if you are reading my message here, try to contact me with another email address as I get an error writing to the email address that was indicated in the contact form. Thank you!

Best wishes,