LEAP-1A Getting the main shape done

Good weekend everyone,

Today I want to give a very little update on the LEAP-1A status since I was able to continue working with the shape and add that sort of bulge characteristic of this engine.

There is still a little bit to modify on the bulge, have to move the mass a little bit forward and double check again with the blueprints. Once this is done, I will do a casting of this part in order to start adding the panel lines, following this step, I will then begin working with the pylons.

I also want to say that I am currently studying the next steps that have to be done with the B737NG cockpit project. This is what happens when you leave something for a while, you need to get back in time and check what was the last thing done in order to keep advancing from that point.

The B747-8F/-400F project is momentaneously on pause as I am gathering a little bit more material and once the LEAP-1A is finished, I plan to work alongside with the deck set and with the new FMC15i cargo loader, that will be the first GSE of this year that I will make, so I am hoping to make it as detailed and realistic as possible, I must give a huge thank you to my friend Michael who has given me plenty of reference photos to make this model as best as possible.

Now that the decal liveries are uploaded, I will try to keep them in stock as regularly as possible and will also focus on creating new ones. There are some colorful ones that catch my attention that I would really like to make, but there are also other older liveries non existant nowadays that are also my wish to make. I look forward to move onto a different model other than the A320/A320Neo/A350, so I plan to continue with a Boeing bird next.
I will also put special attention to liveries of aircrafts carrying the LEAP-1A engines since I have been a little bit more limited with the PW engines so far, most Neos are wearing the LEAP engines. A321Neo liveries are also on my plans.


Wish you all a very nice Sunday and hope to give another update on the next weekend, hopefully with more info on the current project’s progress.

Best wishes,