1/144 Passenger figures preview

Hello everyone,

I have been doing some progress over the weekend but unfortunately the progress has been finding some solutions to issues that I had with a couple things.

For starters, the stairs truck modification will finally be introduced in the next restock of these units. There are two parts that I still need to test as I made them differently in order to have a simpliest way to join these tubes onto the chassis (instead of the tube ending with an O shapped end to insert the axle, it will have a hole only in one side to insert in it a metallic axle resulting in an L shapped end which will be inserted in the hole of the chassis suport, this way less parts are used for the fitting).

In the meanwhile I will also start preparing these metallic tubes and rods, I finally found a silver colored rod which slides very nicely in the tube thus no paint is needed.

The figure passengers have been coming out very well, however there is one particular figure of the set which I am still working on, this is a quick preview of the set (there is a figure missing yet).

With the motive of these passenger figures, I will also take the chance to make a stair truck build (as an example) which will feature the new parts and will be doing a photo progress of the build. This is something I am planning to do for the rest of the GSE, as a way to let you see how I build these models step by step (as an extra guide to the included instructions) as well as share some tips etc.

On regards the equipment, I am still awaiting the motherboard for one of my printers, thus stock production will be slower this week.
I distributed the LD3 trolley parts into 3 separate files so that I can have quicker stock of them (with a more reliable result).

The 787 galleys has turned into a major step back, I am still not happy with how things fit so a new way to do it has already started. I am looking forward to work further with this, every attempt is taking me closer to finally have it as I want it, so I am optimistic at the upcoming work.


Things are a little “unschedule” at the moment because I cannot combine the stock preparation as before having one printer broken, so when the motherboard arrives, I will need to dedicate some time to install it and do some further tests with it.

The cargo loader is progressing very well, the engine compartment has been fully finished. As I am starting with the lifting system, I am considering make it movable after the experience I had with the stairs truck, this will also be useful once I do the 1/72 version. I am sure that it will work out nicely, the project is at the moment at about 50% done.

I am also working on the A320/A321/A320N/A321N decal set, I am reusing very little from the previous artwork as I am takingĀ  the chance to improve things and adapt them for silk screening.
So far the remaining decals to make are the doors, window details, engine details and some other minor things. Overall the decal set will have many details and will be usable for both the Revell newest kits and the Zvezda A320/A321. Within the set I am also offering several versions of the same detail , for its use on dark or white fuselages (for example, red or white outlines of the static ports, different probe types, etc).

That is all for this weekend, I will be restocking the Neo engines and making more LD3 trolleys and belt loaders during the week, unfortunately the issues with one of the printers delayed a bit the 1/200 GSE, however I must say that the stock process of the 1/200 belt loader has begun and will continue forward this week. Next Friday I will create the product page and set a date for the restocking of the 1/200 belt loader.

One last thing I forgot, the Covid situation is not giving a break, cases are raising thus I am going to be very strict at shipping times (Tuesdays and Fridays) as I want to be outdoors and in contact with others as less as possible.

Everyone take good care,