1/144 B747-8F – B787-8/9 Cargo holds and Main deck

Hello everyone,

Today I wanted to share with you the work that I did recently on the B747-8F project as well as with the B787-8/9.

The main deck and the cargo holds for the B747-8F were finally printed. The new equipment seems to be doing well so far (fingers crossed) so hopefully I can bring another update soon with more parts.

The cargo holds for the B787-8/9 were also printed:

These B787 cargo holds will begin production soon.
I am also reworking the galleys for this aircraft, the redesign will help me greatly for the production process.
I am considering making the door frames with the galleys, this means that instead of cutting out the door, a nearby cut (yet to specify with masks or drawings) of the door frame will be done, so that a new frame with proper shape, thickness and detail can be installed in the plastic model. This will substitute what originally was a photo etched inner frame.

There are two new little 1/144 GSE models in the works, one being nearly finished. I cannot say much yet until I do a first test, but these two will be tow tractors.
I am focusing on making short-medium projects in order to keep the business running, with long time consuming projects such as the B747 cargo and the 1/12 B737 cockpit, other items need to be made, especially for the investment that the initial production of the B747 cargo will require.

The 1/200 towbar pushback trucks are currently being assembled to be available as a finished format, I will provide more info once there is further progress.

That is all for now, I hope to share more progress soon.
Take care everyone.

Best wishes,