Hello everyone,
Long time without writing an update, summer here has been/is quite hard, but I am still working on the current projects.
First of all, the B787 galleys are nearly finished. I am working on my project first before releasing them since I need to have an example model while I also test them.
I am currently working (already finishing) the third galley (R3/L3 doors) and will soon start with the final galley. A very important aspect that I must test is the weight balance, so this will be done once I have the galleys installed.

Here is the video process for the second galley:
Transparent parts:
I have to say that I am preparing lots of parts to be transparent made, not only cabins but also the B787 doors. This includes the cabin of all towbar pushback models in 1/144 (I expect to do the same to the F59 in 72 scale). I will also be making the transparent cabin for the AST-1 (1/144 scale).
I am struggling a bit with non planar cabins, such as those for the catering, but eventually I will overcome this small issue. As you know, all the catering truck cabins will be transparent as well.
Speaking of catering cabins, I am presenting the Isuzu N75 cabin which will be usable for the catering truck as well as for the future model; the hydrant dispenser.

As you can see from the image above, I took the chance to improve the shape of the B787 cockpit seats. I also plan to restock the B787 crew figures with the new seats at the time of the galleys and cargo hold release date.
The B747 cargo is progressing, slowly, but it is progressing. I had to remake the whole cockpit section, this time it has been improved and the windshields are better represented. I also had to remodel certain areas of the cockpit to fit the new shell but on my way I also detailed a bit further the dashboard. I will be publishing photos once I can get the cockpit shell transparent.
I have made a set of fuselage details for the B737 NG in 1/72 scale, I have no other words than wonderful to describe the 1/72 kit from BPK, when I saw that kit, I knew it was worth it to make some extra bits to increase even more the realism.
The fuselage details consist of:
- Pitot probes.
- AOA probes.
- TAT probes.
- Drain masts.
- Anti collision lights (with clear red resin).
- ATC/DME antennas.
- TCAS antenna.
- GPS antennas.
- Marker beacon antenna.
- VHF antennas.
- ELT antennas.
- ADF antennas.
In some cases there are extra antennas/probes due their size, so this way I can make sure you will have no issue in case you drop one particular part.

The red clear resin parts are quite small, so the red pigment does not produce a lot of contrast (for my taste) so you can freely add a bit of clear red paint on them.
This set will be released soon, probably towards the end of the month. It may take me a bit of time since I am also planning to make the 737 satcom radomes in 1/72 as well, that means, the Boing factory radome, ViaSat etc. These radomes will be remade as I will be able to add further detail in 1/72, so I want to release the set and radomes at the same time.
I will be restocking items at the shop progressively as the heat allows me to, so I hope to keep things running.
That is all for now, for the next update I will already have all B787 galleys completed, in the meantime make sure to check out my Instagram/Facebook page as I may write “quick updates” as well as the Youtube channel.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Best wishes,