Major update – B787 & clear parts

Hello everyone,

The B787 project is moving forward. I have made and tested most of the parts already, so I will soon begin the mold making stage.

This is for the -8 variant, the -9 variant will also be started soon (fuselage-wise) as I want to release both at the same time. Once production starts, I will design the -10 variant which will also need to include the clear windows.

I also made some progress on the transparent parts, however, I need to practice the technique as this is a bit more complex than with the usual resin.
I did find complications when assembling the cargo holds, so then I changed the method by producing it in one piece rather than joining each wall to the floor to keep things easier to assembly without any fitting issue.

Another important test was to join the forward section with the Revell (or Zvezda) fuselage, and it fitted properly with just one minor sanding required at the bottom of the cargo hold, I still need to test the AFT cargo hold. The tail cone will include the lights and the fluid deflector for the APU exhaust, there is still work to be done on the tail cone.

Also, the door plug design was completed when using the center section using only one galley. The door plug will include the surrounding area including the rain gutter for a better joining to the fuselage. Also, a slight mark is made inside the fuselage to help on cutting if needed.

For the cargo holds only, only the specific door fuselage section will be included, here is the different possible combinations I plan:

It is a lot of possible combinations, but I want to offer the wider range possible since I know that nobody will want the same.

Note that it looks like there is no lightning diverter in the center of the nose cone, but it is there, it may be me with the primer or a lighting effect, I will check in person and modify if needed.

This is the result of the clear cabins for the various and future GSE vehicles. It is not an easy task for me yet, but the results are promising the windshields and windows are 100% transparent and the first part I made a year ago has spent months of hot temperatures and is clear as the first day, no yellowing. I hope to update the models soon, then a painting mask will be included and there won’t be need to use acetate sheet anymore.

Last but not least, the gallery of my friend Claude has been updated with his recent work!

That is all for now, lots of work still to do. I am not forgetting the other projects, I just can’t deal with more things at the same time, the B787 is taking up all my time and efforts, the B747 is next, and I also plan to resume the 1/12 B737 cockpit.

The next update will be about the aft section and holds for the B787.

Take care everyone!
Best wishes,