Hello everyone,
It has been weeks of a lot of work with the B787 and I finally managed to find a solution for the windows of the passenger doors.
In my previous entry I was commenting that I finally found the way, but you know when you think you’ve got something but it turns out you didn’t? Well, that was what happened to me with the doors, after a couple issues, I decided to only clear cast the windows, which turns out (this time I made sure) to work out very well.
Currently my project is on the primer stage, a thin and then a medium coat of primer was added, now it is time to correct a few imperfections and leave the surface ready for the painting stage.

When will these items be released? I am currently working on the first sets of fuselages and sections after overcoming the issues with the transparent doors, this is the very last stage, so once they are completed I will give a release date (I just want to make sure all is in place before announcing).
This release date not only involves the 787, but also a change that I will be doing at the website (and probably at the blog as well).
It saddens me a bit, to think that nearly all the catalog of the GSE will disappear, the reason, as I mentioned, is that I am working on the new versions which include several improvements as well as providing them in other scales besides 1/144 (1/200 and 1/72 with a possibility of a custom scale).
The first two models to appear in 1/72, 1/144 and 1/200 will be the towbarless pushback AST-1 F 600 and the new catering Mallaghan CT6000 with the Volvo FL electric cabin/chassis. The towbarless pushback is done in 1/144 and 1/200 (pending a final example build) and the new catering is pending to be made in 1/200.
There is also going to be changes in the figures, some sets may disappear because these cannot be printed with the current gen printers, at least not in the same way. The pushback crew sets A and B are the newest version with dynamic wrinkles on the clothing, so it is possible the rest will disappear (except maybe for the 787 crew) to give way to a more realistic sets of figures, also in different scales.
In the meantime and to compensate a bit the loss of a part of the catalog (for now) I have designed a few items in 1/72 scale, pending to share the 737 towbar as well of which I don’t have photos yet and to further progress with the new B737 winglets/scimitars in 1/72.

All these new items, the fire extinguishers, the airport cones and the chocks will also be transferred to 1/144 scale. All of these items were designed from real dimensions/shapes. I haven’t tried to make these figures in 1/200, but that may be an interesting thing to check though they will be quite small.
In fact, initial prints were done for the fire extinguisher in 1/144 and the results are exactly as in 1/72, but obviously half the size:

Lastly, I would like to share another video of the 787, it was recorded several weeks ago and I should have uploaded it much earlier, I apologize for that. As you can see, the project is much more advanced than in the video, I am currently recording how I installed (and cut) the tail fin, as well as the preparations for the priming stage.
That is all for now, work continues, for the next update I would like to share more progress on the 787 as well as provide more info on the release date.
Best wishes,