Hello everyone,
We are at the end of October, and I thought that I’d need to give a bit of information regarding the catering truck and its release date.
First things first, the kit review and full build video is already available on Youtube, I usually upload those videos after release, but since I had it done, I thought it was good to have it uploaded in advance.
Click on the image to go to the video on Youtube:

As always, if anyone has a question regarding a specific step, please feel free to write me a comment or contact me, I will be more than happy to help you out.
As I mentioned in my previous entry, the catering truck is one of the GSE I’ve made that contains more parts than any other GSE kit released before, so for this reason I had to have a different packaging for it.
As a matter of fact, I will be changing from the medium blisters to cardboard (strong) boxes once I begin to run out of them, for the simple reason that the manufacturer does not produce this type of blister anymore.
For the smaller stuff, such as the figures and tractors, I will be using the smaller blister which is still in production.

While this process occurs, the image of the products will change a little, I find that presentation is a very important part of a product, and although these are not sold at physical stores, I like that customer can feel that there is quality in there when they receive the products, that everything is done with detail and as much care as possible.

I’ll be using black for the most part on the packaging of the items, but as I said, this will be done progressively.
Trucks or items that won’t fit the small blister but that are too small for the catering sized box will be packaged in a smaller cardboard box. So it is possible that next month, a couple of the tow trucks I am working on may be packaged in those.
The catering truck is ready and the first units are already packaged, however, I am waiting a bit more till I can have the B787-9 cargo holds ready which will be soon.
These are in the very final stage, so if everything goes well, both the catering and the cargo holds will be released in the second week of November.
It seems that the work done in the catering was finished earlier, so I had to push forward with the cargo holds which are coming along very nicely. Again, this is done for those who want to order both items, and thus avoiding the need to pay two shipments since the release date is so close to each other
That is all I can say at the moment, it is my wish to share some photos with you of the next tow truck, the Schopf F210 which is in the testing phase, so my next update will be about it and about a technical modification on the A320 towbar.
Until then, take good care everybody.
Best wishes,